Dictionary.com describes the word tat, amongst other definitions, thusly:
1. Tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar
There are, among us, those people who are truly innocent. Who really think that cross-eyed, badly-painted china dogs are adorable. That the more glitter one can get on a simpering statuette of a fairy, the better. And all power to them. Tat has its place in society, and I cannot deny that.
However, there is a dark side. There are those tat aficionados who have a mysterious love/hate relationship with tat. Drawn to it by its sheer horror, the Sith of the tat continuum will purchase this object not for the pleasure of the aesthetics, but in order to pass it on to someone deemed (un)worthy enough to suffer it. The phrase "I
knew you'd hate it!" is often invoked. The great thing about this approach is that tat, by definition, is cheap. This way one has the joy of the tat, at a low cost, and without having to live with the results.
This, my friends, is known as TatBombing.
If you make the mistake of TatBombing someone who will retaliate, you are likely to get into a full-blown TatWar. Things can get nasty. And we love it.
If you are the proud (or otherwise) owner of tat that you think should be shared with the world, please email pictures of it to: tatwars@gmail.com