Sunday, 16 March 2008

Christmas TatBombs

As you may be able to ascertain from the title, I am a tad behind in posting tat at the moment. The reason? I like to post it chronologically, so you can all view the escalation of hostilities. And I lost my Christmas TatBomb.

So, picture this.

Christmas day. A family all together. Laughter, church, food, presents.
Being my family...

TatBombed to my sister from me:

I'n't she cute?

And vice versa:

Why, yes! Those are puppies in a 'basket'. I think I won, but it's a close-run thing.
More updates coming soon. You know the drill. Tat submissions to


Nettie said...

I really must start buying some of the crap I see out there solely for the purpose of this blog!

Mouse said...

You have to actually give the horrible thing to someone, though. Just photograph it first!

P.S. Sisters make great recipients of aforementioned horrible things... ;-)